Joyful Happening
Let's Create A New World

Exercise 2

Create A New World!

Dutch translation

Close your eyes for a moment.
Think of the most beautiful moment of your life.
Remember how you felt then.
Try to feel that whole feeling again.
How does that feeling feel?
Does it feel uplifting or deep rest?
Do you feel energy moving in your body?
Notice the movement if there is one.
Take a nice deep breath.
And maybe a second one.
Immerse yourself in that wonderful feeling of
why it belongs to the most beautiful moment of your life.
Can you make the feeling a little stronger?
Experience it to the max!

Congratulations! You have created the feeling of then in the now by remembering and reliving it.
Maybe you even added something to it.

How does this affect your state of mind?
What effect does this have on your cells?
What effect does this have on your DNA?
What effect does this have on your health?
What effect does this have on your environment?
How does it affect the ideas you have?

By combining feeling with imagination we can create and manifest.
We are able to feel these kinds of intense feelings in our body.
We are beautiful and powerful creatures!

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