Joyful Happening
Let's Create A New World

Life Is Like An Avocado

Create A New World!

Dutch translation

You can compare yourself to the pit.
The reality you live in is all around you.
Just like the flesh around the pit.
The pit constantly influences the pulp.
And the pulp constantly affects the kernel.
Just like you in your reality, the influence is mutual.
The pulp has a lot of information in it.
The pit thinks about the pulp, the influence and the information.
The pit really tries to understand the pulp.
After that, the pit adapts and determines its behaviour, makes its choices.
After all, he wants to be the best pit possible.
He has a job in this life.

The farmer's choices and the use of pesticides affect the pulp.
And the pulp affects the pit.
The pit does not see the spraying of the pesticides.
The pit also has no insight into all the choices and actions of the farmer.
The pit thinks about the pulp, the influence and the information.
After that, the pit adapts and determines its behaviour, makes its choices.
After all, he wants to be the best pit possible.
He has a job in this life.
And we experience ourselves as pips.
We think about everything we encounter.
We try to understand rules, information and influence as best we can.
We adjust our thoughts and behaviour accordingly.
And we have a lot of feeling about that.
The feeling confirms that you are a pit.
And because the influence of the pesticides hurts so much,
we tend to stay away from our feelings.
It is the elusive pain of an unseen influence that defines our reality.

The secret is only that you are not the pit.
Because of all the influence of the pulp, you experience yourself as the seed.
And you think and feel like a pit.
If you look, you will see a pit in the middle of that closely enclosed pulp.

But you are not the pit.
You are the spark of life that makes the kernel blossom into a beautiful plant.
The spark of life carries so much knowledge and information within itself that everything is alive.
You are the force that makes a fruit blossom and grow.
You have the consciousness to experience the countless possibilities of nature.
You are inextricably linked with all other sparks of life.
Together you are the field of life.

When the pit realizes that it is not a pit, but the spark of life at its core….
Then the pit experiences its real inner being.
Then feelings become different and deeper.
With much more meaning and a different experience.
Then thoughts take effect.
Only then can the pit fulfil its task in this reality.

As a spark of life you will experience the pit differently and influence the pit.
As a spark of life you will experience and influence the pulp differently.
As a spark of life you will experience and influence the pesticides.
As a spark of life you gain insight into the actions and choices of the farmer.
And as a spark of life you can influence that too.
If the spark of life makes a choice or movement, it affects the entire life field of which it is a part.

Close your eyes for a moment and feel the spark of life that you are.
You don't have to take on the shape and thoughts of the pit.
Remember in every moment how much influence you have as a spark of life on everything.
And how everything reacts to you.
Because you are here, you beautiful spark of life.

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